Friday, November 02, 2012

Wolf Country art from Luke Cooper (from ATS#2)

ATS#2 cover & Mike Perkins art

ATS#2 on sale

Hey there.  Amongst the Stars #2 is out right about now.  "What delights do you have for me here?" you say.  Well I'm glad you asked me that.  The second part of 'Amongst the Stars' written by me with art by Mike Perkins explains how the minds of a strange alien race got trapped on the planet earth.  In addition we have the debut of 'Wolf Country' by me and Luke Cooper where a settlement fights for survival while surrounded by hostile werewolves.

For £3.50 I can deliver to your door.  For details, contact

Also still on sale; Amongst the Stars#1, Gabriel #1-4, GoodCopBadCop #1 & Scout One#1.