Sunday, February 18, 2007

Out now is Cartoon Network Action Pack #10 from DC Comics. I have a Samurai Jack strip in there called 'Hit or Myth'. Of most interest I think is that this has been an idea I've been shopping round for years. 2000 AD's Pulp Fiction, Warhammer Monthly, crikey even a Star Wars anthology published by Dark Horse... All received a variation of the story and all rejected it. But y'know if you believe it's good enough, then stick with it, tweak it/improve it, and hey presto it'll get there eventually.

Well that's the plan anyway. Plenty more in the locker!


Khayem said...

Hey Jim,

With a gap between issues making my blog posts seem prolific, I was really pleased to finally receive
my copy of Comics International #201 this week. Somewhat belated I know, but the review panel's "Top 10 of 2006" gets a whopping 7 pages. It probably seems like a lifetime ago, but you & Messrs. Haward & Stokes get a namecheck for your Captain Britain/Fury story in Spectacular Spider-Man.

Looking forward to The Last Posse and, er, sorry that my comments have had absolutely nothing to do with your actual posting...!


Jim Alexander said...


Good to hear from you. Bizarrely enough I read your review on Saturday in a pub in Glasgow. I have been neglecting my blog of late. I'll get back into it with a vengeance once the sun starts shining.

