Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jimbo's Top 9 of 2009 #6: Layer Zero:Beautiful People

'Beautiful People' is the opening story of Layer Zero: Choices, the annual anthology published by the good folks of Insomnia. Have another two scripts in the bag for Insomnia; 'Growing Pains' for next year's anthology and the 30-page 'Cuckoo' due to appear in 'Focal Point'. We're still looking for an artist on the latter if anyone is interested.
As for number 6 in the list, here's the official blurb: "This is a story of the ‘Beautiful People’, one actor, one actress, two fabulous film stars, who come together in a tidal wave of mutual attraction and self-preservation. It is the ‘Beautiful People’ who rule the world. Essentially a love story, but one in which we ask the questions what keeps them together and what drives them on? Sometimes it’s only an act of terrible violence and sickening cruelty that brings out the best in them. It is only then that we get to see what's inside." Art by Dean Stahl. Sorted!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed working on Layer Zero with you. I'm glad it made your list.